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Please email or call number below to schedule a tour in person or view our virtual tour below!
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Trần Diệu Minh
Account Manager
Currently managing accounts from BIVN, VNS, Iriso, Me Tran, FC, SVN, Sanko Gosei, Fujifilm, Naris, Toyota, Kato Metals, Nirotech, and Nagase
Bùi Thị Ngọc Khánh
Account Manager
Currently managing accounts from BIVN, KDTVN, VNS, Iriso, Me Tran, FC, Toyota, Kato Metals, AVV, Việt Nhật, and Nirotech.
Phùng Thị Nga
Account Manager
Currently managing accounts from KDTVN, SVN, Sanko Gosei, Toyota, AVV, Naragase, Naris, Fujìilm, and Việt Nhật.